Jade Raykovski headshot

I grew up with my nose in a book and a pen in my hand (well, a pencil until I was about ten). It was a natural progression to move from reading into writing.

My blog is a mix of sharing the books I’m currently reading or have previously loved, sharing writing advice and tips/prompts, as well as sharing updates on my writing life. Whether you’re a reader or a writer, or a little bit of both like myself, I hope you find something worthwhile in these words.

I also work as a freelance copywriter, helping businesses find their voice and create their content. You can find more information on my Copywriting Services page.

When I’m not reading or writing, I’m designing (I’m also a qualified graphic designer), out dancing salsa (there are some fantastic Latin bands in Melbourne), or brain training on Lumosity (yes, writers can also enjoy maths!).