Jade Raykovski – Copywriting, Book Reviews, Writing Tips

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5 Reasons Your Business Should Hire A Professional Copywriter

Have you ever thought about hiring a professional copywriter for your business, but then thought of something else you would rather spend the money on? Or maybe you’ve thought that you can do it yourself, that you’ll just squeeze it in on your to-do list.

Given the sheer volume of content that brands push out these days, hiring a copywriter is something you should seriously consider. But first, if you’re wondering exactly what a copywriter is or does, it’s this:

A copywriter writes text for the purpose of marketing or advertising, with the objectives of increasing brand awareness, selling a product or service or persuading readers to take a certain action. Examples of copywriting include websites, blog posts, social media posts, email newsletters, brochures, advertisements… essentially anything that has words in it! And there are benefits to hiring a professional:

1.     Ensure a level of professionalism

Sloppy copy will stand out for all the wrong reasons – like a logo designed in Paint (cringe!) or an overexposed product shot. It can immediately make your business look amateurish. A copywriter will not only ensure spelling and grammar are spot on, but they will elevate your copy to a professional level that ties in with all aspects of your brand.

Think of it like this: the way you speak to your customers will have just as much of an impact on them as your logo design (or more, in my opinion!) So make sure it’s not an afterthought, and that it’s getting the TLC it deserves.

2.     Connect with your target audience

A copywriter will create content that is more engaging by using the language that your audience uses, and by paying attention to the problems your customers have that your product or service solves. Together, this establishes authenticity and trust. If your customers feel understood by you, they are more likely to buy into the product or service you are selling. 

Check out this example below from a marriage celebrant’s website that I worked on:

With ten years of experience as a celebrant, I’ll make sure you won’t have to stress about your ceremony on your special day. I pride myself on putting couples at ease – especially those who don’t usually find themselves the centre of attention!

Now if you’re one of those couples that don’t like being the centre of attention, you’re immediately feeling relief – this guy gets it! In two sentences he’s just connected with a potential customer. That’s the power of language and understanding your audience.

3.     Save yourself from burnout

If you’re a small business owner or working for yourself, there’s a good chance you know all about burnout. After juggling marketing, accounting, business planning – do you really want to add copywriter to the mix? If you don’t have the time to write thoughtful social media captions or optimised blog posts multiple times a month, then don’t – hire a professional to take the load off of your shoulders so you can dedicate your time to what you do best for your business.

4.     Strengthen your brand through tone of voice

A brand is so much more than colours and a logo. It’s a personality, an attitude; it’s your values and how you do things, not just what you do. Tone of voice plays a HUGE part in this, especially given how prolific content is across digital platforms these days. There are so many opportunities on a user’s journey to convey your tone of voice and strengthen your brand, distinguishing you from your competition.

Have a look at the below examples I wrote for a photographer’s website:

We put the kind of love into our food photography that your grandmother puts into her baking.

We know commercial photography like the back of our hands.

Now for either of these I could have simply written, ‘We’re experts in commercial photography’ or ‘We have extensive experience in food photography.’ But where’s the brand’s personality in that? (Unless your brand is very serious and corporate – then in that case, go for it). Instead, get into the headspace of your brand. Pretend your brand is a person. Nike, for example, would be a cool, laidback, athletic type. What would your brand say?

5.     Grasp the opportunities that great content offers

You can’t use content to grow your business if you don’t have enough content, or if you’re not using it the right way. A professional copywriter can ensure that you have stellar social media captions, keyword-optimised blog posts, and EDM campaigns that make your users want to click. If you put copywriting into the ‘too hard’ basket or the ‘I’ll get to it later’ basket, then you’re simply letting your business miss out on opportunities for growth and opportunities to engage with your audience.

At this point you may be wondering how collaborating with a freelance copywriter works. If that’s the case, head to my Copywriting Services page, or contact me if you have any questions.